Form 8862

Information To Claim Certain Credits After Disallowance

The 8862 form, officially known as "Information To Claim Certain Credits After Disallowance," is an essential document for taxpayers in the United States. This resource guide delves into the purpose, importance, and correct procedures for handling the 8862 form. To ensure accuracy and compliance with the latest tax laws and IRS guidelines, we've compiled in-depth information and practical advice. This guide is optimized for SEO to reach those needing clarity and assistance with their 8862 form and related tax matters.

What is a 8862 Form?

The 8862 form is a crucial IRS document used by taxpayers to reclaim eligibility for certain tax credits that have been previously disallowed. These credits often include the Earned Income Credit (EIC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), American Opportunity Credit (AOC), and the Premium Tax Credit (PTC).

Purpose and Significance

The primary purpose of the 8862 form is to allow taxpayers to reestablish their ability to claim specific tax credits during their tax return filing. This opportunity comes into play after an initial disallowance due to reasons such as filing errors or lack of proper documentation in previous tax years.

Components of the Form

The 8862 form requires detailed information from the taxpayer, including:

  • Personal identification details (name, social security number)
  • Information on which credit(s) are being claimed
  • Details surrounding the disallowance of the credits

Who Needs a 8862 Form?

Taxpayers who have previously been denied specific tax credits may need to complete Form 8862 if they meet various criteria set by the IRS. These may include having corrected the issue that led to the denial or waiting the appropriate period before reclaiming a credit.

Obligations and Deadlines

Filing the 8862 form doesn't have a unique deadline separate from your regular tax return. However, understanding when and how to include it with your tax filing is crucial to regaining eligibility for the tax credits.

How to Read and Understand the 8862 Form

Understanding the 8862 form requires familiarity with its sections and what IRS expectations are for each. Each part of the form pertains to a specific disallowed credit and circumstances around its previous denial.

How to Get Your 8862 Form

The 8862 form can be downloaded directly from the IRS website. Download your 8862 form here

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Filing Form 8862 comes with common pitfalls like incorrect information, missing segments, or misunderstanding the disallowance reasons. Mitigating these errors involves double-checking the filled data and comprehending the circumstances leading to credit disallowance.

8862 Form and Tax Filing

Including a correctly filled 8862 form with your tax filings can significantly impact your eligibility for several tax credits. It directly influences the overall tax return amount and possibly your refund.

FAQ Section

  • Q: What if I don't remember why my credits were disallowed? A: You may need to review your IRS notice of disallowance or consult a tax professional for advice.

  • Q: Are there any credits not covered by Form 8862? A: Yes. Certain credits, like the Recovery Rebate Credit, do not apply.

  • Q: How often do I need to file Form 8862? A: Filing is typically a one-time requirement unless specified otherwise by the IRS.

  • Q: What happens if my 8862 form is rejected? A: The IRS will provide reasons for rejection, after which you can rectify the issues and refile.

  • Q: Can I e-file Form 8862 with my tax return? A: Yes. The IRS supports e-filing for the 8862 form along with your electronic tax return.


Navigating the specifics of Form 8862 can be complex, but understanding its importance and accurately completing it is crucial for those looking to reclaim certain tax credits. Always ensure your information is correct and up to date with the latest IRS guidelines to prevent potential issues.

For more information and the official form, visit the IRS's 8862 Form Page. Always refer to the IRS and trusted tax resources for the most current information and guidelines.

Remember, each taxpayer's situation is unique, and consulting with a tax professional can provide personalized advice and assistance with complex scenarios, including those involving Form 8862.

More Tax Filing Tips Employer's Guide to Tax Forms

Always refer to the IRS website or a tax professional for the most accurate and up-to-date information. provides general information and software tools for tax preparation; however, it does not offer personalized tax, legal, or professional advice. It's recommended to consult with a qualified professional for specific advice related to your financial situation.